
Compost Windrows

Friday, March 20, 2015

An Awesome, Under-Recognized Opportunity to Act on Climate

A sprinkle of compost helps rangeland lock up carbon

 Locking in carbon is important as the permafrost thaws and releases mass amounts. The clean production of biochar is another successful tool in the preservation of our soil, air and water. Biochar in the soil locks in nutrients as they are absorbed into the biochar. Compost with biochar, add it to your soil and gardens, your containers. Feed it to your livestock, bed with it see the difference. Watch your soil conditions improve. Science does not lie!

Monday, February 16, 2015

New York Compost Site Map

New York is so progressive in the composting industry. I bet they have more composting sites than Walmart sites. Wisconsin is the dairy state and should soon also lead the nation in the compost industry as we must have more manure than NY state.

Friday, January 9, 2015

DIY Worm Bin From Trash

This is a series of photos to help you create a worm bin of your own out of various bins that
you can find on the curb or in your local thrift stores. Make sure they seat inside of each other.
1. Drill holes in 2 of your 4 bins.
2. Drill 1 hole the size of your drain hose in 1 of your bins.
3. I put a little clean wood as a space and it helps to hold down the screen that keep your tube flowing.
4. Bedding, scraps, bedding, another tray, bedding, water. I cover mine with burlap or you can use your cover as long as you have breather holes. Happy Worm Farming!